Taking a break from regularly-scheduled SLP workshop reporting for this timely idea from Kris Farley about Dr. Seuss birthday celebrations.  I know many communities are excited about this, and Kris came up with a  “stealth” program to add to the fun.

“The Children’s Council in Ladysmith had a special Dr. Seuss event in the community room, and I had a simple game up in the library for any child who wanted to play.  They encouraged the kids to come up and play when they were finished at the celebration. I posted Dr. Seuss characters on the ends of book shelves with a packet of stickers for each. Then I made up a simple sheet with the same characters on it. Kids found each character on the bookshelves, got a sticker, and put it on their sheet. They returned the completed sheet and got a Dr. Seuss pencil. It went really well. A few families did a sheet together – others each child did one. It was easy enough for each child. I will build on that for next year.”