Libraries and Homelessness
Leah Langby
July 23, 2014
Keeping Up With Kids

Last week on the same day I ran across two pieces on libraries serving people who are homeless.  One came from Katie Morsch, director of Our Neighbor’s Place shelter in River Falls.  It’s a Reuters article about libraries on the front lines of dealing with homelessness.  The libraries cited in the article are from bigger cities, but I know from many of you that this is not a situation that is unique to cities.  I found it interesting to read about some of the things libraries are doing to better accommodate the needs of people who need to carry their belongings around with them.

On the same day, I found an inspiring blog post in the ALSC blog about a library in Salt Lake City that does early literacy storytimes at a shelter in the area.  I’d love to hear about it if any of you are considering doing something like this!

In the meantime, check out this 40-minute video created specifically for librarians by a director of a homeless shelter.

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