Public Speaking, Advocacy, and Difficult Conversation Help from the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference
Leah Langby
January 15, 2025
Learning Loop

The Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference is a FREE 2-day conference for library workers in Wisconsin on January 22 and 23.  Fourteen different high quality webinars on a variety of topics. All are recorded, but it is extra-fun to attend live!   I’ll be sending a few highlights every day until the conference, but be sure to check out the whole line-up at the WWWWC Website!

Looking for tips for public speaking, advocacy, or difficult conversations? 

Crucial Conversations on Thursday, January 23, 1-2 pm
There is no denying that how you deliver a message can often be just as impactful as the message itself. Join this session to hear lessons learned while navigating difficult community conversations during an ongoing global pandemic, civil unrest, negative national attention, and book challenges. In this presentation, you’ll gain strategies for difficult communication, including how to develop messaging, empower and support frontline teams, and activate community advocates. Discover the significance of transparency, empathy, and authenticity in your messaging while examining challenging scenarios facing libraries today.

Embodied Communication on Thursday, January 23, 1-2 pm
Too often, when we’re speaking in front of colleagues, peers, or stakeholders, our nervous system engages in the fight-flight-or-flop response, leaving us anxious and tongue-tied. We know what we want to say, but our body gets in the way. During this hour-long session, you will learn ways to recognize this stress response and then dismantle it using both physical and verbal techniques. It’s time to step out of your own way and harness your personal power to get your point across with skill and ease. Key takeaways include: the importance of acknowledging the moment at hand, discovering the gifts it holds, ways to release counterproductive judgment, social engagement techniques, and more.

 “Thank you for coordinating this incredible fun conference, jam-packed with info and resources.  It has been for several years one of the highlights of my winter work life.” (an enthusiastic participant)

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