Teen Swap Wrap-Up

Photo by Júnior Ferreira on UnsplashIt’s always fun, and never enough time, when youth services librarians get together.   Thirty percent of attendees have played Madame Trelawney at Harry Potter events in the past few years!  I...

What Do the Doctors Order? MORE PLAY!

A young child enjoying play in Bloomer I know I harp on about the importance of play for young children’s development, including opportunities for play that is set up with some intention on the part of caregivers.  But it is SO IMPORTANT!  And so...

National Book Award Long-List

  Check your shelves and your order carts!  Are these books on them?  Several of them have holds on them, I’m guessing that people have seen the news and want to read them!                Elizabeth Acevedo, The Poet X  (HarperTeen / HarperCollins Publishers) M....

Civic Labs for Kids and Teens

Over the past year, after much gnashing of teeth on my part and the helpful advice of several IFLS-area librarians, I created a resource for libraries to use when hosting programs and displays that promote civic dialogue and engagement about pressing issues.  I...