Strong Girls School at ALA

One of the programs I attended at ALA this year was called Strong Girls School.  Nancy Evans, from the public library in Levittown, New York discussed a program that she developed after teen girls in a library writing group clamored for it.  As a writing...

Reading without Walls Challenge

I know I have posted about National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature Gene Luen Yang’s Reading Without Walls Challenge before.  But I just heard Gene Yang at ALA, and he inspired me to remind you.  He told a great story about his next...

Art’s Power

A couple weekends ago, I discovered a new favorite band (The Resonant Rogues–check them out!).  As I sat in the concert, I was missing a beloved, departed family member and wishing I could share the music with her, so I wasn’t surprised to spring a...

WLA Awards–Make a Nomination!

Do you have a terrific and innovative program at your library you are proud of?  Is your whole darn library incredible and amazing?  Do you work with someone who you think is inspiring, smart, and effective?  Maybe it is time to consider nominating...

SLJ Teen Live Virtual Conference is FREE

Authors will speak on topics including immigration, gender, and reluctant readers. Click here to register for the 6th annual SLJTeen Live! Join us on August 9, 2017, from 10 AM – 5 PM ET, for the 6th annual SLJTeen Live! This free, entirely virtual conference...

Cumberland Scavenger Hunt

Building off a successful program from years’ past, the library in Cumberland is sponsoring a scavenger hunt for Pete the Cat, who is hiding in the windows of different downtown businesses each week this summer.  When kids find Pete, they let the library...