Reflecting about Hard Stuff

Reflecting (from Pixabay)I was listening to the news today as I got ready for work, all about primary results and election prognostications and what-is-happening-to-the-Republican-Party discussions.  All very interesting, and important stuff.  Then a report...

Engaged Parents, Learning from a Dog?

A reader enjoys time with FreddyMany libraries in our system host therapy dogs who come and listen while kids read to them.  The other day, Georgia from New Richmond got a lovely note from Jill, Freddy the dog’s handler about the ripple effect that reading...

Nonfiction Exploration and Circulation

Many thanks to Samantha Carpenter from the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire for this guest post about boosting your non-fiction collection for young children.One of the joys of working with kids at the library is feeding a passionate interest. It’s...

Families Playing in Hawkins

As part of the LSTA Early Literacy grant this year, several libraries received mini-grants, either to help promote family engagement, or to help with media mentor efforts.  Here’s what Arlene and Marena did in Hawkins:”The Hawkins Area Library...