by Leah Langby | Dec 7, 2015 | Keeping Up With Kids
It’s been a rough fall, with catastrophes and tragedies and outrageous things happening in the world. Many of my closest friends and family are dealing with tremendous personal challenges and hardships . And, on a much less traumatic note, there has...
by Leah Langby | Dec 3, 2015 | Keeping Up With Kids
Patti Blount was recently interviewed for a School Library Journal article about collections for English Language Learners. It is an interesting and worthwhile article, and it is fun to have someone we know quoted in it!
by Leah Langby | Dec 2, 2015 | Keeping Up With Kids
In January of this year, IFLS librarians enthusiastically signed up to participate in a way of sharing book suggestions. Each month, we had a reading goal, a genre to try to read and report back to other librarians. By this fall, participation was...
by Leah Langby | Nov 25, 2015 | Keeping Up With Kids
Kids enjoy scarves at a Bloomer storytimeYou may have already heard that the G.E. Bleskacek Memorial Library in Bloomer won a Standing Up for Rural Schools, Libraries and Communities Award, along with their partner, the Bloomer Area School District. They won the...
by Leah Langby | Nov 23, 2015 | Keeping Up With Kids
Learning theater games takes trust and an ability to laugh! Luckily, librarians had both at the SLP workshop!Last Thursday was our annual Summer Library Program (and Beyond) Workshop. We had an inspiring keynote talk from Sharon Grover and Marge Loch...
by Leah Langby | Nov 17, 2015 | Keeping Up With Kids
I found a thoughtful piece in American Indians in Children’s Literature the other day–an open letter to teachers about some of the images that are so popular at this time of year, but are actually inaccurate and ultimately harmful in perpetuating...