May Reading Goals

Whoops!  This got away from me this month!Each month, IFLS librarians (and any other blog readers, for that matter) are invited to read a book written for kids or teens in a certain category.  These can be recent books, or ones that have been on your list...

Last-Minute Resources

Okay, just in case you are madly trolling the Internet, looking for some last-minute resources to help you with Summer Library Program planning, or if you want to have something in your back pocket if your original plan falls has a whole...

Music Music Music resource

Photo credit:”Discovering Music” by Craig Rodeway Zero to Three recently put together a lovely PDF for parents and caregivers, talking about the effect of music on very young children, including...

Read on Wisconsin Lists Announced

Read On Wisconsin logoA committee of smart librarians and teachers came up with this terrific list of books to promote for children throughout the year, and the 2015-2016 list was just released.  Read on Wisconsin is a project of the Cooperative Children’s...