Free Audiobook Downloads

Free Summer Listening: SYNC A FREE summer program that gives away 2 audiobook downloads each week for the summer starting May 15 and ending August 14. SYNC audiobook titles are given away in pairs–a Young Adult title is paired with a related Classic or required...

SLP Idea Swap Take-Aways

SuminagashiWe had a fun gathering last week at the Summer Library Program Idea Swap.  Folks brought questions and ideas and shared some fun stuff!  I’ll dole out some of those ideas over the next few weeks.  Here are a few I contributed:For...

Engagement Is the Key!

I attended the Growing Wisconsin Readers Symposium last week in Stevens Point.  I was pleased to see so many folks from IFLS-land there (and to see a fabulous display by our colleague Julie Belz from Ellsworth!).  I left with my brain FULL of ideas and...

Arbuthnot Lecture Lands Nearby!

This information is from a post to an ALSC listserv.  The Arbuthnot Lecture is a big deal, and it would be fun to have a group of IFLS-area librarians make the trek to visit.  There is already a possibility of taking a van from Eau Claire in the works–let me...