IFLS Trustees

For IFLS Trustees The IFLS trustees are appointed by the 10 participating county boards. Trustees can be county board supervisors or citizens designees; either type can serve unlimited three-year terms. Each county is represented by 1-3 trustees, based on county...


Top Picks New! Director Hiring and Evaluation resources from IFLS staff IFLS staff created these resources specifically for IFLS-member library trustees. Evaluating the Library Director  presentation slides or PDF slides to print Library Director Hiring presentation...

MORE resources

  resources Committees: Directors Council, Executive Committee, Bibliographic Records and Standards Committee, Operations Committee, Resource Sharing/Collection Development Committee Article Index MORE training and reference documents MORE Committees MORE committee...


Delivery   We’re always happy to help! Submit a HelpDesk ticket if: You need a current hard copy of courier pocket tags. You have a question or a problem and need help. You need additional delivery supplies. To report a delay, missed stop, or other courier...

Find Your Library

Find Your IFLS Public Library The IFLS library system covers 10 counties and includes 53 public libraries! Click on the map to find your library, or go to the complete library list that follows. Altoona Public Library 1303 Lynn AvenueAltoona, WI 54720-0278 County: Eau...

IFLS staff, lists, letters

IFLS-member Library Staff Directory This is a crowd-sourced google document that is password protected. Both IFLS staff and library staff use this directory.  You can view and edit the information right on this page–no need to login into a google account. Each library...