Grant alert, new collection policy, end-of-year tasks, park pass program, D&D for free, certification webinar
IFLS Staff
November 20, 2024
Weekly Digest

Libraries Transforming Communities: Applications for Round 3 are Now Open!

Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities grant offering is open to small and rural libraries to increase the accessibility of facilities, services, and programs to better serve people with disabilities.

Libraries may now apply online for funding until December 11, 2024.

Up to 300 libraries will be awarded grants up to $20,000 in this application period. Previous awardees from round one and/or two are eligible to apply. Note that prioritization will be given to applicants not previously awarded.

New on the website: Collection Development Policy example updated

The newest version of this policy example has been added to the Challenge Support and Intellectual Freedom page under “Preparing for Materials Challenges.” Big thanks to the Intellectual Freedom Working Group for their input on these changes!

The newest version includes the following updates:

  • Updated language in section C (Intellectual Freedom) regarding labeling of materials.
    • Addition of two new appendices (references to these appendices have also been added within the body of the policy):
    • ALA’s Labeling Systems: An Interpretation or the Library Bill of Rights
    • ALA’s Diverse Collections: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights. References to these appendices have also been added within the body of the policy.
  • Clarifying language regarding the procedure and form for requesting material review/reconsideration, specifically:
    • “Only one item may be specified per form, and only one active form per household will be accepted and reviewed at a time.”
    • “Citations” has been updated to “sources” on the reconsideration form.

While we’re talking about updated policies…

IFLS recommends updating your collection development policy using the example template, especially if your policy was last updated two or more years ago.

Keep an eye on TWAM

Lori sends out This Week at MORE to the plstaff listserve. It’s full of timely information, and the space to watch for important end-of-year tasks.

Reminders and deadlines will appear in TWAM for 2025 closed dates for Sierra, item record clean-up, patron record clean-up, and volunteering for MORE committees

Deep dive: Wisconsin State Park Pass program for 2025

The Wisconsin DNR is excited to announce that the Check Out Wisconsin State Parks At Your Library program will return for 2025. We would like to invite you and your library to join us again in the new year.

The 2025 Check Out Wisconsin State Parks At Your Library program will launch on Jan. 1, 2025, with passes being available for ‘check-out’ throughout the full calendar year. A pre-purchase period for passes for next year will open Wednesday, Nov. 13. Passes will be delivered in mid-December, so they are available for use on Jan. 1.

New in 2025

  1. The daily pass distributed through the Check Out Wisconsin State Parks At Your Library program has been updated. Starting in 2025, a new pass will be implemented that is specific for this program. The new passes will read “Check Out Wisconsin State Parks At Your Library program” and will only be available to participating libraires.The new passes will come as an 8.5×11 flat sheet of 9 passes, so purchase quantities will look different in 2025. Minimum number of passes per purchase is 9. This new pass format will allow for easier shipping and storage of pass inventory.
  2. 2025 marks the 12th anniversary of the Wisconsin State Park System. This milestone will be marked with family-friendly events, fascinating park system history and recreation opportunities for visitors of all abilities and experience levels. Libraries and library patrons are invited to join the DNR in celebrating this anniversary occasion. Digital resources with information on events and state park system history will be available for libraries. If you are interested in more information on how to get involved with the 125th anniversary, please reach out to Sara Bernaski by email.

Other program details:

Wrapping up 2024

Please note that the red daily passes that are currently in use by this program will be phased out of use by the Wisconsin State Park System starting in 2025. Libraries can use the red passes until they are gone.

However, librarians and library staff should be aware that Wisconsin State Park System properties will no longer be selling the red daily passes. Park properties will now distribute a daily pass in a receipt paper format when a customer purchases a daily rate admission.  Park system staff are aware that red daily passes are in circulation due to the Check Out Wisconsin State Parks program and may be used by library patrons.

Purchasing and contact info

To purchase passes for 2025, please contact Dawn Hirst via phone or email. Orders can be placed by calling Dawn Hirst at Devil’s Lake State Park at 608-356-8301 Ext.110 or emailing Please reference the Check Out Wisconsin State Parks At Your Library program and include your contact information.

Have the following information ready: contact name, library name, mailing address, phone number, email, number of passes and payment information.

For all other questions about the Check Out Wisconsin State Parks At Your Library program, please email Sara Bernaski  at

Calling All (Potential) Dungeon Masters! (free kit available)

Through a generous donation the DPI has received a sizeable number of copies of the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit (pictured below) which has everything you need to create characters and play new adventures in this introduction to the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

This set includes…

  • 64 page rulebook that teaches you how to create characters level -6 and to play the game
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak, an introductory adventure
  • Double-sided poster map
  • 6 blank character sheets
  • 11 polyhedral dice
  • 81 cards describing magic items, sidekicks, and more

If you are interested in obtaining one for your library – absolutely free – please read on!

What do you have to do?

The intent is to use this kit for a program in your library. This could be a one-time program or reoccurring. You can also catalog and add this kit to your library of things or game collection.

Still interested? Then please fill out THIS SURVEY by the DPI. ( They are working on a multi-year grant funded research project about games-based library services and are gathering data on current and past games-based library service offerings.

After you have filled out the DPI survey, complete this short form by December 11 to request your library’s copy of Dungeons and Dragons Essentials Kit.


  1. Want Free Game for Library
  2. Fill Out DPI Survey
  3. Fill Out IFLS Request Form
  4. Wait for Game to Come in Courier
  5. Become a Dungeon Master

New certification resources and a webinar to explain them

A new edition of the Certification Manual for Wisconsin Public Library Directors is now available.

New information has been added to the DLT website for library directors, which provides additional information and resources for certification and library administration. The certification process has not significantly changed, but there is one item of note: Starting in 2025, Librarians who are interested in completing self-directed, “Category C” continuing education activities will need to obtain pre-approval from their library system CE validators before completing the activity. This requirement will begin with CE completed after January 1, 2025, and will only apply to Category C activities.

The Wisconsin DPI’s Teresa Schmidt will hold an informal, optional webinar at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4, to review the new certification manual and answer your questions about certification. Please register for the Teams Webinar here. The presentation will also be recorded and shared at a later date.

On the IFLS calendar

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