Autism Books
Leah Langby
July 17, 2014
Keeping Up With Kids

Thanks to a donation from Navigating Autism, a Wisconsin organization dedicated to assisting families affected by autism, I received 3 books (all paperback) that are not presently held in the MORE system.  IFLS Librarians:  If you would like these items for your collection, send me (langby @ a brief (2-sentence) story about something going on at your library this summer.  Pictures are highly encouraged.  I’ll send the books to the first responders.

Here are the titles:

A Brief Guide to Autism Treatments by Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg and Becky L. Spritz (Jessica Kingsley, 2013)

A Friend Like Simon by Kate Gaynor, Illus. by Caitriona Sweeney (Special Stories Publishing, 2009)

What It Is to Be Me!  An Asperger Kid Book, by Angela Wine, Illus. by David Crary. (Fairdale Publishing, 2005)

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