Charlotte Zolotow Book Award
Leah Langby
January 20, 2017
Keeping Up With Kids

The Cooperative Children’s Book Center announced the Charlotte Zolotow Book Awards today, recognizing picture books with distinguished writing:

Carole Boston Weatherford is the winner of the 2017 Charlotte Zolotow Award for Freedom in Congo Square (illustrated by R. Gregory Christie, published by little bee books).  
The committee named three Honor Books:
Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth written and illustrated by Jarvis. Candlewick Press
Giant Squid written by Candace Fleming, illustrated by Eric Rohmann. A Neal Porter Book / Roaring Brook Press / Macmillan
Thunder Boy Jr. written by Sherman Alexie, illustrated by Yuyi Morales. Little, Brown
And also ten Highly Commended books:
A Bike Like Sergio’s written by Maribeth Boelts, illustrated by Noah Z. Jones. Candlewick Press
Blocks written and illustrated by Irene Dickson. Nosy Crow / Candlewick Press
The Cow Who Climbed a Tree written and illustrated by Gemma Merino.  Albert Whitman
Daniel Finds a Poem written and illustrated by Micha Archer. Nancy Paulsen Books / Penguin Random House
Hannah and Sugar written and illustrated by Kate Berube. Abrams
Maybe Something Beautiful: How Art Transformed a Neighborhood written by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell, illustrated by Rafael López. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
My New Mom and Me written and illustrated by Renata Galindo. Schwartz & Wade Books / Random House
The Princess and the Warrior written and illustrated by Duncan Tonatiuh. Abrams
School’s First Day of School written by Adam Rex, illustrated by Christian Robinson. A Neal Porter Book / Roaring Brook Press / Macmillan
The Sound of Silence written by Katrina Goldsaito, illustrated by Julia Kuo. Little, Brown
An award ceremony will be held at the CCBC sometime this spring.  
Further information about the Charlotte Zolotow Award may be found on the CCBC website:

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