Collection Development Resource
Leah Langby
October 10, 2017
Keeping Up With Kids
cats and mice playing around stacks of books

The blog has been a victim of the triage that becomes necessary during especially busy times, which August, September, and October seem to be.  BUT.  I have it on my calendar to do a blog entry several times in the upcoming weeks, so look for more content.  And remember to send content my way if you have something to share!!

YESTERDAY, I went off to do new library director visits, and in the course of talking about our monthly Starred Reviews publication, I found out about another pretty remarkable resource from Debbie in Prescott, who has been using it for quite a while.  Jen J.’s Booksheets is a publication that tracks things like awards, and the number of starred reviews an item is getting.  It might be a useful resource for keeping track of items that are getting a LOT of buzz.

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