Community Event Kit
Leah Langby
January 10, 2019
Keeping Up With Kids

I am guessing that many of the libraries who read this blog get invited to have a table at community events.  This is a great way to meet new people who might not otherwise make it into the library, but it can be time-consuming, and sometimes difficult to think of what to put on your table to best attract a crowd and engage them once they come.

I am considering putting together a kit for libraries to check out from IFLS to use for community events, particularly ones where families with young children will be present (think:  preschool screening, community night out, school open houses, community festivals).  I’m interested in your feedback about what you think would be the most useful things to put in a kit like that.  If you are an IFLS or WVLS library, please take a few minutes to fill out this form!

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