CSLP Teen Video Challenge
Leah Langby
January 7, 2014
Keeping Up With Kids

 Last year, teens from our region created the winning video.  It was incredible, and the winners were very excited to have their work recognized.  Take a few minutes and pass this information on to film clubs and media classes at the local high school!
This is the second year that Wisconsin will participate in the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) Teen Video Challenge. Information about the contest, including entry and release forms, can be found at http://pld.dpi.wi.gov/pld_ys-sn.

For the contest, teens should create a video promoting Summer Reading at the public library, including an interpretation of the 2014 CSLP teen slogan “Spark a Reaction,” to win $275 and a $125 award for the library. Any teen, aged 13 -18, can enter the CSLP 2014 Teen Video Challenge in the state where they reside. Videos can be created individually or as a team. Each participating CSLP member state will select one winner. Additional information, including promotional resources and video creation resources, can be found at http://cslpreads.org/challenge-overview.html.

The deadline for entries is Friday, February 14, 2014. The state winner will be selected in March 2014 and national selections will be announced in April 2014.

Curious about what teens might make? Take a look at the 2013 winners for inspiration, including the winning submission from the L. E. Phillips Memorial Library in Eau Claire: http://cslpreads.org/programs/young-adult-program/teen-video-challenge/2013-teen-video-winners.html.

Contact Tessa Michaelson Schmidt, the Department of Public Instruction’s Youth and Special Services Consultant, with questions: tessa.schmidt@dpi.wi.gov.

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