Early Literacy Awards
Leah Langby
February 6, 2018
Keeping Up With Kids
Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy is happy to announce the 2018 CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards for Early Literacy! 
The five winning books consist of one title in each of five categories selected from a shortlist of 25 titles. Each category represents an early literacy practice: Read, Write, Sing, Talk, and Play. The books, in their content, theme, or design, support caregivers’ interaction with their children through these five early literacy practices. Research has shown that engaging children in these practices builds language skills and prepares children to become successful readers.
READ:The Library Book by Tom Chapin and Michael Mark; illustrated by Chuck Goenink
A rainy day entices a girl to the library.  Sitting in her favorite chair, she is soon surrounded by literary friends including Winnie the Pooh, Madeline, Pinnocchio, and more. After a fun visit to the library, she checks out her favorite book to take home and read.  This book models a child’s love of reading and how it can be enhanced by a trip to the library.
WRITE: Little Plane Learns to Write by Stephen Savage
Little Plane loves flight school where he and the other planes are learning to write in the sky. His arcs and dives are excellent, but he can’t seem to get the hang of loopity-loops. Finally, tracing the round shape of the moon inspires Little Plane to write the perfect loopity-loops. Drawing circles, arcs, and lines helps children learn to form letters, just like Little Plane.
TALK:Say Zoop! by Herve Tullet
Say Zoop! encourages children and caregivers to interact with the pages of the book by inviting them to place their fingers on different colored dots and make the sounds that the book describes for each dot. Making noises helps children practice the different sounds in words which will help them in acquiring language.
SING:Motor Goose by Rebecca Colby, illustrated by Jef Kaminsky
Motor Goose is a compilation of classic nursery rhymes that have been rewritten with a transportation theme. Each page is a song centered on a different vehicle and set to familiar tunes such as Mary Had a Little Lamb or Itsy-Bitsy Spider. This book supports singing with children, whether it be classic nursery rhymes or modern children’s classics.
PLAY: Things to Do with Dad by Sam Zuppardi
A boy and his dad start the day making pancakes together, but dad’s looming to-do list puts a damper on their shared fun. The boy alters the list, inventing imaginative ways he and his dad can complete the chores together. This book models a variety of ways that adults and kids can playfully interact during their daily routine.


For more information and for a free activity sheet for each winning title, visit https://www.clel.org/bell-awards-winners

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