Excited for Summer? Upcoming opportunities to think warm thoughts
Leah Langby
January 20, 2014
Keeping Up With Kids

There are some great chances in the next few cold, blustery months to think about summer, and I wanted to gather them together for you right here!

January 22, 12-1:  Rethinking SLP webinar.  Does SLP feel more like an 8 week long birthday party than a reading program? Discover how your literacy efforts can be more sustainable and effective after hearing inventive ideas from around the state.  Hosted by Tessa Michaelson Schmidt.  No registration necessary, just sign in.  If you can’t make it, the session will be archived.

February 13, 9:30-3:30:  STEAM-Y Summer Workshop, Menomonie.  Hear about science-y program ideas, room management, promotion, teen-friendly programs and connect with others who care about kids reading!   Register by February 6.  Snow date is February 20.

March 5, 9-10 am:  Summer Library Programs for Adults webinar.  Learn about some great ideas for engaging adults in reading and library use during the summer, and year round.

March 11, 9-10 am:  Beyond the Library Walls:  Librarians as Literacy Leaders for Summer Reading webinar.  The “summer slide” disproportionately affects kids from low-income families, and as Literacy Leaders in our communities, we need to get creative about getting all kids access to books and reading encouragement.  Victoria Sanchez and Mary Madigan from the Milwaukee Public Library discuss the importance of reaching beyond the “regulars” to engage children who don’t always have a chance to get to the library during the summer, and some suggestions of ways to do it.  Registration.

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