Grant funds for technology
Leah Langby
May 28, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids

Money to do cool technology stuff!  Here are 2 options:

Best Buy Children’s Foundation Grants are designed to help non-profit agencies teens build 21st-Century technology skills through programs that address the digital divide, and also give teens the chance to do more than consume technology, but create it.  Programs might include

  • Computer programming
  • Digital imaging
  • Music production
  • Robotics
  • Game or Mobile App Development

Average grant is $5000, with requests not to exceed $10,000.  Grant application opens June 1, due July 1, and notification will come by September 15.  For more information look here!

Wisconsin Library Services and Technology Act has a Digital Creation category again this year.  Funds will be available to develop and improve library resources and services that promote digital creativity and learning for all ages, including the creation of spaces, services and programming. Grants from $2,000 to $20,000 will be available.   Guidelines are here, online session about grants is here, important tips for grant-writers are here.  Application forms will be available soon, but in the meantime, check out the grant application worksheet, available on the Division for Libraries and Technology LSTA site.  These applications are due September 13, and are for projects in 2014.

IFLS Librarians, again, if you are interested in exploring the idea of writing a grant proposal, and want someone to listen to what you are thinking, ask you hard questions, and help refine your idea and your proposal, let me know!  langby @

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