Growing Wisconsin Readers with Frogs
Leah Langby
November 26, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids

Tiffany Meyer from Dresser Village Library received one of the Growing Wisconsin Readers grants this year 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program that is a collaboration between Dresser and the St. Croix Falls library.  The program started on November 1, and they already have 31 signed up, with more outreach planned starting in January.

Participants receive a Blinky book & DVD [donated by local author/naturalist and Frog Guy Randy Korb] when they’ve read 25 books, a froggy finger puppet at 100 books, a froggy squirt toy at 500 books, as well as a froggy sticker at every 100 books along the way. When they reach 1000 books, they can choose a picture book to add to the library’s collection with a bookplate in their name.
Great story:  “A 3 1/2-year-old brought his sheet in this afternoon, having surpassed the 25-book mark. He was pretty excited about his frog book. While checking more books out, his mom said, “Tell Miss Tiffany what you did with the rest of your stickers.” Silence. I said, “I won’t be upset. I’m just interested.” I thought for sure he would say he stuck them on the wall or dropped them in the bathtub – something along those lines. “I ate them.” This led to a nice conversation about what they tasted like and what else he had eaten lately. Totally made my day! When I asked him if he’d like more stickers or if he’d prefer to color in the rest of the circles, he opted to use markers ;)”

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