Guys Read in Bloomer
Leah Langby
December 3, 2010
Keeping Up With Kids

This in from Brendan, youth services librarian at Bloomer:

At the Bloomer Public Library, I’ve started up a little program called GUYS READ. It’s based on the “movement” of the same name started by popular kids’ author Jon Scieska. The idea behind the initiative is that boys lose interest in reading at a certain age, but if they’re actively encouraged to read, boys can become lifelong book lovers.

Based on my own observations, I agree. We usually have to pry our elementary and middle-school aged boys away from the computers or board games, but if I suggest a book they at least have a look at it. So far, the response to the club has been good, with 8 or so guys participating and reading 2 books so far.

Their excitement for the club is based mostly on whether or not they like the current book. I started with The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt (since he visited the area for the Chippewa Valley Book Festival) and got a lukewarm response. The Invention of Hugo Cabret was a much bigger hit. They loved reading it and had a lively discussion for almost 45 minutes.

We are taking a break for the holidays but will be starting back up in January. I hope my next selection is as popular as the last one! If anyone has any suggestions for a group of boys in 3rd-7th grade (quite a challenge, I know…) I’d be happy to take them!

Brendan gives the kids time for free-reading and they are experimenting with writing and drawing prompts. Both the boys and Brendan have big ideas for what’s to come, so watch for more from Bloomer!

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