Morale Boost
Leah Langby
March 20, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids

File This Under The Value of Storytime, from Becky Arenivar, Programming Specialist at the Prescott Public Library:

Last week a local mom stopped into the library just to tell us that her 3rd grade son had won the elementary school Spelling Bee (beating 4th and 5th graders).  He loves reading, reads a lot, and she knows that this has helped him become an excellent speller.  
If this were the end of the story, it would be great.  But it gets even better.  She went on to thank the library for helping her son learn to love reading through Storytime–for helping him see how reading and books can be fun and exciting.  She sees the value of the library and Storytime every time she sees her son reading; every time he learns something new from a book, every time he brings home a good grade.  Not only does she get it about the value of the library, but this was important enough for her to come in person to thank us on the very day of the Spelling Bee!  
I enjoy every day I spend as a librarian, but then there are the days, those amazingly wonderful days, when I get the best gift of all from a library user, the chance to see how what we do has an impact on an individual, on a family, on our community. 

Yay Becky!  And for all of the rest of you out there presenting excellent storytimes and helping kids learn to love reading.  If you are looking for a little inspiration for that, don’t forget to sign up for the Storytime Bonanza workshop, coming up next month, Thursday April 25 at the Menomonie Public Library.  For a flyer, click here.  To register, click here.

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