New Kits!
Leah Langby
January 4, 2011
Keeping Up With Kids
Kids in Menomonie show how much fun an event about building and problem-solving can be

Thanks to some left-over funds from a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, IFLS has put together some fabulous new School Age Activity Kits!
The Kits are designed to enhance learning in a fun way, and most of them would work well with a range of ages (K-8th grade, depending on the way you use them). Two of the kits are ready now for IFLS librarians to borrow. They can be reserved by sending a message to Leah (langby @ and they will come through courier.
(This is very exciting! I’m only restraining myself from excessive use of exclamation points by exercising great discipline.)
Here are the kits we have:
Mathmania: Building set (Legos and Knex); Fractiles; Blockus game; Set Game; Ball of Whacks; Suggestions of problem-solving activities and games; Annotated list of books (fiction and nonfiction) to share.
Science: Magnet Kit; Microscope and several prepared slides; Balance scale; Activity suggestions; Annotated lists of books to share.
And Coming soon:
Puppet-show in a box: Everything from the a pop-up stage to scripts to props to puppets. All you have to supply is the puppeteers!
Flip Video Kit: Have kids make and upload book- and library-related videos to your library’s website.

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