New Kits Ready!!
Leah Langby
February 28, 2011
Keeping Up With Kids

We have two new kits available for IFLS libraries to check out. They are specifically designed for using with school age kids, they supplement our Mathmania and Science kits. Here they are:

A Flip Video Kit. This kit has 2 Flip Video cameras and accessories. If you have considered making a movie about your library, having kids make their own book trailers, or having your teen advisory board create content for your library’s website or facebook page, this is a great kit for you! The software and equipment is very intuitive and easy to use.

Puppet Show Kit. 8 puppet scripts. More than 25 gorgeous puppets. Props (not so gorgeous). And a full-sized, portable puppet stage! This kit would work great for doing an all-day puppetry workshop with tweens, and ending with a show for younger kids. Or for use for a couple weeks–have a few rehearsals and perform. Preference will be given to libraries using this kit to perform with kids, but if you want to use it to put on a show using your staff, let me know! (Available after March 3)

Both kits were created with funds from a 2010 LSTA grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services. They can be borrowed by sending an email to or calling the IFLS office!

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