On Being Thankful
Leah Langby
November 23, 2016
Keeping Up With Kids

I’ve had a bit of a rocky fall, and have missed a lot of work to help care for a loved one who is at the end of her life.  I thought it might be appropriate during this Thanksgiving season to give some thanks for things that are helping me get through it all.  Here is a partial list of what has kept me going:

  • Amazing, generous co-workers and a supportive director who are ready to step in and help me fulfill my duties if needed–even with busy schedules and challenges of their own.
  • Gentle messages of kindness, support, wisdom, and assistance from colleagues in our system and across the state.  
  • A Youth Services Section board who has handled my increasing flakiness with forbearance and a willingness to jump in and take over for me when necessary.
  • A job I care about, with librarians who are doing incredible work in their communities.  Flexibility and ample vacation and sick time help, too.

I’ve been letting go of responsibilities and projects, reminding myself that I will go back and collect them up again as soon as I am able to do so.  In the meantime, I’m deeply appreciating my library community.  The support we give each other makes a difference!

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