PLSR Needs YOUR Help!
Leah Langby
April 20, 2018
Keeping Up With Kids

Wisconsin PLSR Project logo
For about two years, the Wisconsin library community has been hard at work examining and re-thinking the way services are delivered to public libraries around our state.  The culmination of that work so far can be found in the PLSR Workgroup Recommendation Reports.  These are recommendations made by workgroups that have been studying various aspects of system services about ways to restructure and reorganize these services to provide excellent and equitable service throughout the state.
Maybe you have been not paying very much attention to this whole project, but guess what?  Now it is time to start paying attention!  There are things in these recommendations that will make a difference for youth services librarians–what happens with systems in Wisconsin does affect what kinds of consulting and continuing education is offered, for one thing.  Now is your chance to check it out and weigh in on what you think!
This is no small task—there are over 300 pages of reading, here.  Still, this matters!  If you read the recommendations and provide feedback (by May 1), the resulting product will be stronger.  Your positive comments are as valuable as your constructive criticisms—the people determining the next steps in the process will find both extremely useful as they try to determine how to move forward.  Even if you don’t have time to read the whole thing, read the sections that you care the most about, and then take the time to respond so that the Core Recommendation Collaborators and the Steering Committee are working with as much information as possible for the next step.
Together, we can make this process stronger. This is your chance to be a part of something big!  Read the reports, and submit comments and feedback.

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