Power Up Reflection #1
Leah Langby
April 3, 2019
Keeping Up With Kids
light bulb made into a person shape plugs itself into an electrical outlet
Image from Pixabay

So, I guess I took March off from posting to the blog.  Nothing like abdominal surgery to slow a person down.  I am back, and full of ideas for posting, so hopefully content will be more regular from here on out.  Remember that I am ALWAYS interested in posting guest posts, or talking to you about really great programs or services and highlighting them in the blog.  

I came back from the Power Up:  A Leadership Conference for Youth Services Managers with lots of ideas and things to share and follow-up on.  I am waiting for the resources to be uploaded to the conference site so I can share specifics.  So watch for more of that!

One thing I can reflect on right away was something that Andrew Medlar, the opening keynote said.  He was talking about how sometimes staffing or budgets get cut and we end up not being able to provide the level of service we want to, and he quoted a friend as saying, “I may not be able to keep up my standards, but I can keep up my values.”

I liked this reminder.  It can be discouraging to see all the things you are not able to do, or all the materials you aren’t able to purchase, or all the partnerships you aren’t able to pursue to the level you want to.  We all have high standards for our work, and want to do SO MUCH, because there is so much to be done!  Sometimes we can’t quite keep up those standards, or meet the standards set forth for us by documents like the Wisconsin Public Library Standards (though you should check those out!).  But we can stay true to our values, whatever those are.  I found this comforting to think about, and also a rallying cry to keep paying attention and holding myself accountable, even as I sometimes find myself unable to keep up with my own (or others’) expectations.

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