Program Idea Generators
Leah Langby
November 21, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids

Does the well ever run dry?  Sometimes, even though we often have more ideas than time to do them, it is really great to have a few new places to look for ideas.  Here are a few I came across this week:

Library as Incubator had a great post about a new IMLS-funded project between Instructables (a maker-themed website) and libraries.  They are curating projects that will translate well to a library environment in a new, searchable and user-friendly Make It @ Your Library site.  You can limit the results based on type of project, age group, cost, and amount of time it takes.  I found everything from a popsicle stick harmonica to creating circuits with conductive paint to a DIY Smartphone Film Scanner.

Tiny Tips for Library Fun informed me about a new resource for sharing school-age ideas, like Flannel Fridays for the school-age set.  It’s called Thrive Thursday.  It’s brand new, and depends on people like you sharing ideas!

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