Resources about Latinxs in Children’s Literature
Leah Langby
April 30, 2019
Keeping Up With Kids
stack of 11 books
Image credit:  Pixabay

Props to Olivia Langby* at the Waukesha Public Library for this recommendation for a couple of great resources of book reviews and other tips related to literature by and about Latinxs. 

Latinxs in Kid Lit has book reviews about books you may have missed hearing about, or maybe you haven’t heard about them from this perspective.  There are also suggestions for using books, and some other program ideas that are relevant and useful.

De Colores:  The Raza Experience reminds me of Debbie Reese’s useful and important blog American Indians in Children’s Literature.  It contains critical reviews of books for children and teens, calling out problematic aspects that some reviewers might overlook–and also highlighting positive aspects that some reviewers might not notice, as well.

*Yes, in case you are wondering, it is extremely thrilling to be able to geek out about libraries and youth services with my daughter!

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