RLPL Geeks Folk Dancing!
Leah Langby
April 11, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids

Many thanks to Ashley Bieber, Rice Lake Public Library, for this guest blog post!
A couple of months ago I was introduced to an Americorps volunteer that is in town through November.  It turns out she was very interested in folk dancing and had taught at a diversity-appreciation youth camp out east last summer.  She wondering if the library would be interested in hosting a program.  I said “sure!”
She was able to get a LIVE string band (Second Wind String Band) to come for a Friday night Family Folk Dance night.  We did a variety of European and American dances.  It was a great all ages program! 
I was really worried because the week prior no one had asked about it or displayed interest in my signs.  But lo and behold we had a nice group of 40 kids and adults show up.  Everyone had a great time, and it was so nice to have live music in the library!
One interesting thing I noticed is that some kids that usually aren’t fond of “free” dancing were able to participate comfortably because they had directions to follow.
Three cheers for getting in touch with the community and giving something a try!  
Also, the Americorps volunteer seems open and interested in on-going series programs as well as dances again.  So if anyone in the area is interested in having something similar I could pass along their information!
As someone who actually does geek family folk dances, I can tell you that this is a super fun intergenerational event, and a great way to expose people to some great live music!

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