Round-Up of IFLS-Related Cool Stuff
Leah Langby
December 20, 2012
Keeping Up With Kids

Time for a round-up of the awesome IFLS-related posts I’ve been putting in the Youth Services Section Shout-Out Blog.  Remember, you can always send me your ideas for posting in the YSS blog, or this one, too!  Here’s the round-up:

Playing Games in the Library:  Alisha Green from LEPMPL contributed to this post, along with McFarland librarian (and past IFLS SLP workshop presenter) Geri Cupery, about super-fun game days at the library.

What Comes After Preschool Storytime:  Jodi Bird from Menomonie tells us about After School Adventures (for 5-8 year olds) and Book Stew (for 8-11 year olds), their answer to kids who are graduating from preschool storytime, but still wanting a regular program at the library.

Balloon volley-ball in Menomonie’s After School Adventures Club

Collaboration Pep-Talk:  Becky Arenivar from Prescott came up with the idea and did most of the work on a “collaborative” post about easy collaboration tips.

Supporting Early Literacy on the Cheap:  Jodi Bird shows some cool, cheap, easy, space-conserving ways they have carved out a place for early literacy play in Menomonie.

Flannel board for every day use in Menomonie

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