School Library Journal Leadership Summit: Fire It UpFire
Leah Langby
October 14, 2014
Keeping Up With Kids
Fire Circus performing in Cameron

The School Library Journal Leadership Summit , Fire It Up:  Sparking Creativity and Motivating Students is “focused on those taking leadership in creating strong and effective school libraries, including but not necessarily limited to: school librarians and other K-12 educators, public librarians in close collaboration, technology leads, teachers, and administrators.”  It looks like 2 full days of panels by school librarians and authors, and this year it is being held in St. Paul, Minnesota on October 25 and 26.  And all for the very reasonable price of FREE.  

I have another commitment that weekend, but I hope some of you go, or share the information with a school librarian you admire.  And if you go? Consider submitting a blog post about it!

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