The Wider World Comes to IFLS-Land!
Leah Langby
March 22, 2018
Keeping Up With Kids

How cool is this??

Youth Services Section Regional Meet Up – North West Area
Friday, April 13 | 12:30-4:00 PM
Cost: $0
Starts at:     Rice Lake Public Library, 2 E Marshall St, Rice Lake, WI 54868
Ends at:     GE Bleskacek Family Memorial Bloomer Public Library,
(The drive between libraries is approximately 35 minutes.)
12:30 pm     Welcome and Introductions at Rice Lake Public Library
12:30 pm     Program Swap, Space Issues and Solutions Discussion, and RLPL Tour
2:15pm        Drive to Bloomer Public Library
3:00 pm       Bloomer Library Tour, wrap-up discussion, and snacks
At Rice Lake Public Library, we’ll start with a brief welcome activity before the program swap and library space discussion commences. Then YSS Member Claire Parrish will give a brief tour of the library’s children’s area.
Afterwards, we’ll head over to the Bloomer Public Library where YSS member Florence LaBeau will give us a library tour, provide snacks, and allow time for a short wrap-up discussion.
Please join us with a successful or future summer program to share. Bring a friend or colleague that isn’t a YSS member yet and let them see the benefits YSS membership has to offer.
Questions? Email Claire Parrish at

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