The Youth Services Institute Is Coming!
Leah Langby
March 27, 2017
Keeping Up With Kids
butterfly emerging from cocoon
Transformation’s coming!  (from Pixabay)

I’m so excited!  Since 2013, odd-numbered years have a special transformative quality for 25 lucky library staff who work with youth in Wisconsin.  That’s because every other year, there is a Wisonsin Youth Services Development Institute–a 3 day intensive in-person session, followed by a year (and usually more) of chances to connect virtually.  It’s not a small commitment of time, but nearly everyone who has done it has found it to be more than worth the time and energy.

The Institute is specifically designed for those who do not have a Masters Degree.  It provides a chance to network and access professional development, and participants have described the experience as life-changing.  Really!  If you want to read a blog post by an eloquent past participant who you probably know (Jenna Gilles-Turner in Chippewa Falls), here it is!  If you want to see what other past participants have said, look here.

This year’s Institute will be held at the Heartwood Conference Center near Trego, WI (in our corner of the state!)  August 27-30.  It is free to participate (including lodging and food, but not including mileage), thanks to LSTA funding (remember LSTA funding?  It’s in danger, so don’t forget to ask your representative to keep funding it!). According to an email from Tessa Michaelson Schmidt:  “There is no fee for Institute participants; the costs are covered through an LSTA grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the Public Library Development Team at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). At this time, we anticipate full funding of this event; if funding changes, applicants would be notified immediately.”

Applications are due April 28.

If you have any questions about this, please let me know!  I would love to talk with you more about it, or put you in touch with a participant from a previous year.

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