Wisconsin Author Comes Back Home!
Leah Langby
December 20, 2013
Keeping Up With Kids
Series opener!

Many of you know that I tend to get a little star-struck when I’m around authors I admire.  I think authors are amazing, and it is thrilling to have some real live authors in our midst.  One of those authors, Michael Norman, is an IFLS trustee and library advocate extraordinaire.  He passed on information about a former student of his who has moved back to our area of the state:  S.A. Bodeen, author of such wide-ranging works as The Compound (a novel for teens about an unbalanced father who moves his family into a fall-out shelter and has some ethically questionable scientific projects going on there) to A Small Brown Dog with a Wet, Pink Nose (a picture book).

Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen is living in the IFLS-area and is interested in doing author appearances.  She is an award-winning author whose titles have plenty of kid-appeal.  She has a new series that is being billed as a combination between Swiss Family Robinson and Lost.  She’d be a draw!  Check out her website for contact information and more.


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