12/23/2024 - MORE online payment option temporarily unavailable - I'll post an update here when the online payment option is available again, and I'll post a message on the MORE Catalog homepage if the problem persists beyond Monday afternoon.
According to an article in Cosmopolitan Magazine, the Institute for Museum and Library Services accounted for 0.00006 percent of the federal budget in 2016. Yet this institution provides crucial infrastructure to Wisconsin libraries, along with funding to pursue...
In a recent Pew Study on libraries, guess what they found?85% of people believe libraries should DEFINITELY provide free early literacy programs85% of people believe libraries should DEFINITELY work more closely with local schools to provide resources to kids.These...
It’s been a while since I’ve posted–blog posting has been falling to the bottom of my list and then falling right off the list as I’ve been occupied with other projects and commitments. Hopefully, this will be the start of more regular...
from an ALA mailing from Beth Yoke:We know that strong school libraries drive student achievement, and it’s up to us to make sure our members of Congress do, too! Now through December Congress is working on a new education bill to provide federal funding for the...
Thanks to Kim Hennings at New Richmond for this guest blog post about a great addition to their Summer Library Program:This year, in addition to weekly reading goals for SLP participants, we added “Mayor Fred’s Summer Reading Challenge.”We had a high...