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Young kids need opportunities to develop their fine motor skills. Many of you incorporate letting kids develop those skills at storytime with art project–kids practice cutting, drawing, painting, picking up small objects, etc. I found a fun post at...
Ann Clark at So Tomorrow has a terrific blog post about some of her favorite music to use in a storytime for kids. It not only enriches storytime, it allows caregivers and kids to learn about some great new music to take home with them. Check out the...
We are getting more and more information about the importance of creating opportunities and spaces for children to explore, create and imagine during free play. It is crucial for social, emotional, physical and language development, to name just a few areas....
1. Some of you have already contacted me about the Early Literacy Minigrants being administered by the state this year, to help you create a 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program or develop an early literacy space in your library. In case you...
Many thanks to Christy Rundquist from Pepin for this article about the power of adaptation!A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away…….Not really. It was 2006 and Pepin was participating in an IFLS mini-grant for early literacy. We partnered with the...