2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
I just got back from a very stimulating and invigorating training with Carissa Christner and Anne Hicks, both contributors and trainers for Little eLit. So much to sort through and think about and delve into further! Look for more blog posts in the coming...
As this publishes, I’ll be at a training with the folks from Little eLit, learning even more about this topic!One of the things Devorah Heitner mentioned in her webinar last week was to help parents be aware about the digital footprint they are creating...
More follow-up from Devorah Heitner’s webinar Strategies for Using Digital Technologies at Home from the Erikson Institute. I’m taking a few of her points and making individual blog posts out of them, but I highly recommend checking out...
Child with tablet, courtesy of The Commons Getty Collection I just attended an outstanding webinar from The Erikson Institute, Strategies for Using Digital Technologies at Home. It was presented by Devorah Heitner. I can’t recommend listening to the recording...