2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
Healing Library is a company that creates kits for purchase to help families process a traumatic event or situation. They have made resources (activity sheets, discussion points, booklists, and more) available for free so that libraries can create and customize their...
Image credit: PixabayReaders’ Advisory! What a staple of our work. I am always excited to find a new and interesting resource for providing high quality RA, or for suggesting to patrons.For the past several years, National Public Radio has...
Thanks to Maureen Welch for passing on these tips from the NoveList newsletter! They are specific to helping kids and teens find books using NoveList. Did you know? Appeals terms describe the mood or feel of books (think: funny, sad, inspiring), and they are a...
My husband made my day this morning. I was rushing out the door after brushing my teeth while listening to a report on the radio about a recently released study by UW-Madison faculty about the link between poverty, brain development, and outcomes later in life. Dean...
Many thanks to Samantha Carpenter from the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire for this guest post about boosting your non-fiction collection for young children.One of the joys of working with kids at the library is feeding a passionate interest. It’s...