2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
The Insitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)–Chicago Section is offering grants of $2000 to public libraries in the Midwest to create science kits that provide experiments for use by students and educators. The Mount Prospect Public Library in...
Colleen Crowley, the children’s librarian at the Chippewa Falls Public Library, sent a note about a great project they are doing in Chippewa Falls:Librarians do not need to be experts at scientific theory to guide scientific inquiry with children. Opportunities...
image from flickr, hcplebranch,boy playing with tangrams at storytimeThe Vermont Center for the Book has come up with some resources to help librarians incorporate math and science ideas and concepts into their storytimes called What’s the Big Idea. How fun is...
Shelly and Julie from Ellsworth have a very popular American Girl Book Club in Ellsworth, it brings in 40-plus girls grades K-5 every month: We’re celebrating our 5th year of hosting our wildly popular American Girl Book Club. This year we are having adventures...