Scarcity–part 2

The proverbial ticking clock!This is the second in a series of posts about the book Scarcity:  Why Having Too Little Means So Much, by Sendhil Mullainathan (an economics professor at Harvard) and Eldar Shafir (a psychology and public affairs professor...


If you’ve had a conversation with me in the past month or so, you’ve probably heard me talking about a book I finally just finished called Scarcity:  Why Having Too Little Means So Much, by Sendhil Mullainathan (an economics professor at Harvard)...

Youth-related webinars coming up!

Don’t forget to check out the following sessions at the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference!  There are many others that would be of use to a general audience, but these Wednesday sessions may be of particular interest to librarians serving youth!Wednesday...

SLP Musings, Part 3: On Being Overwhelmed and Exhausted

Take a tip from the koala:  REST!Several people listed being overwhelmed and exhausted during the summer in the exercise about the thing people hate the most about the Summer Library Program.  I think we can all relate to the feeling of being inundated with...