2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
Fun in the stacks with Riddle Me Readers Stealth Program Thanks to Alisha Green from LEPMPL for this guest post, talking about the stealthy ways she and her colleagues are teaching kids to use the catalog! I was first approached last year by our Friends coordinator...
pop-up card photo courtesy of extremecards.blogspot.com I know that some libraries in IFLS-land have done some great experimenting with pop-up programs, or programs that don’t take a ton of preparation and can be available at any time, whenever there...
Thanks to Jessi Peterson for this awesome guest post!We decided this year to offer more passive arts programming in our Young Adult Lounge. Targeting a time that works for busy teens to attend a program is often hit and miss, so we thought we would try...
I kept seeing notices on Facebook about the Fall Creek Public Library Art Cart, making special appearances at the library this summer. I had to get the whole scoop from Jenna, the youth services librarian, and here it is. Thanks Jenna! The Art Cart is only...
Thanks to Becky Arenivar from Prescott Public Library for this inspiring guest post! I’m always on a quest to engage kids and families who come to the library, but don’t attend events or Storytime. It would be great to get them to come to events and...