2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
Photo by JĂșnior Ferreira on UnsplashIt’s always fun, and never enough time, when youth services librarians get together. Thirty percent of attendees have played Madame Trelawney at Harry Potter events in the past few years! I...
Golden nugget squashI attended an American Libraries Live session on Kid and Teen Friendly Libraries yesterday, and gleaned two worthwhile nuggets from it:ADVOCACY: Even if your library board or director doesn’t require it, be sure to submit regular...
Teens at the Normal Public Library learn how to cook Southwest staples, from flickr Last week I attended the webinar Teaming Up with Teens @ Your Library, presented by Diane Tuccillo and Kelly Johnson. The webinar was sponsored by Web Junction and YALSA, and Diane and...
According to grassroots reports, a perennial issue for many librarians in our system is trying to keep teens involved at the library. And yet, did you know that IFLS has the third largest teen programming turnout statistics compared to other systems? Just thought you...
The teens in Hudson whiled away the hours before the opening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II at a party at the library. The program, planned and organized by the Teen Advisory Group, included playing Harry Potter games, watching the first part of the...