I Heart This New Resource!
Leah Langby
November 14, 2013

We’ve talked a lot in the past few years about how to make library programs and services more inclusive and accessible for kids on the autism spectrum.  And now there is a terrific new resource with very practical ideas about how to make storytimes more inclusive to children with a variety of disabilities.  Through a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the San Jose Public Library and the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Inclusion Collaborative created a training page, with excellent videos, handouts and other easily digested information.   There are modules to learn more about various disabilities, see a sample inclusive storytime, and much more. 

Let me know if this is a topic you’d like to discuss with me –I’m very interested in thinking about ways to make our storytimes and other services truly inclusive and welcoming to everyone.  I know many of you are already doing great work in this area.

Also–remember IFLS has a sensory story kit–really fun for all kids, but with some elements that will make your storytime more inclusive for kids with autism, sensory needs, and other developmental issues.  To reserve, contact me!

Photo credit:  Horia Varlan flickr

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