2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
Colfax is doing a terrific job of keeping the public informed about their summer reading program’s successes through their blog. This is a fun way to let people know what you are doing! The blog this summer is devoted to the excitement with the Summer Library Program.
Here’s what I found out when I read their blog:
They really enjoyed having Kevin McMullin, storyteller and musician. They made the wise choice to cram everyone into their tiny library last week, rather than subject everyone to the incredible heat. Crowded or not, it looks like Kevin kept them engaged, and Jenny highly recommends him. I’ve heard from many librarians that Kevin is not only talented and engaging, he’s also a heck of a nice guy and easy to work with (and even though he’s a friend of mine, I’m only reporting on the facts, here). They also had fun outdoors (in more temperate weather) with the Wonder Weavers storytelling and puppetry. Always a fun choice, the Wonder Weavers have been featured on our blog before, when other happy librarians have sent in photos!
Check out that blog, and you’ll find a review written by a teen, adventures with candy sushi, and much more!
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