Maybe he needs a ball

Maybe he needs a ball

The year after I finished college, I worked part time at a community-based literacy program in southeast Washington DC.  As part of my internship, I  coordinated a book donation project and distributed children’s books to kids at the nearby housing project.  I...
John Lewis, Good Trouble, and March

John Lewis, Good Trouble, and March

Representative John Lewis died over the weekend.  My heart gets full with gratitude when I think of him, all the work he did for our nation.  He was a United States Representative from Georgia for more than three decades, and before that he was a leader in the Civil...


Homeschooling looks lots of different ways.  Here’s a homeschooler who built a cob oven (out of clay and sand–a multi-day project), built a fire inside it, and is approaching it with swim goggles for protection from smoke in the eyes.  Next...

What Jessica Bratt Is Up to These Days

Many of you hopefully remember Jessica Bratt, who presented a great webinar for the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference in 2019 titled Let’s Talk About Race, about how to successfully talk about race in a positive way in storytime with very young children and...

Stories about StoryWalks®

Thanks to Valerie from Ladysmith for sharing this wonderful guest blog post about creating a StoryWalk® for Ladysmith.  I had the idea a couple of years ago when I first saw a library with a StoryWalk®. They were using lawn signs, which are great, but I wanted...

Two Great Chances to Listen to Authors

Oh, my, I do love  book award celebrations!  Hearing from authors and illustrators and narrators I admire never ceases to excite me.  So this year, the fact that the ALA Book Awards are going virtual so that anyone will be able to take advantage of them (FOR FREE!) is...