by Leah Langby | Apr 28, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
SYNC is a free summer audiobook program for teens. Returning April 30, 2020, SYNC will give away two complete audiobooks a week – pairs of high interest titles, based on weekly themes. This year’s titles are varied and interesting, as usual. And it...
by Leah Langby | Apr 23, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
Almost 6 weeks ago, when I was gathering up things to bring home to work on during the time at home, I was excited to spend some time delving into Project ENABLE (Expanding Non-discriminatory Access By Librarians Everywhere), an rich resource from Syracuse University...
by Leah Langby | Apr 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
LOTS of people (including, I’m sure, some you know and love) are applying for Unemployment Insurance—numbers are probably going to continue to rise. This webinar will be recorded, and will also be repeated live sometime in May. This will help you be ready for...
by Leah Langby | Apr 22, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
Hey folks, I’ve had the opportunity to hear and meet Beck Tench and she is wonderful! This webinar will be useful to anyone who is struggling now, which is…um…everyone. DPI’s Division for Libraries and Technology is proud to bring Beck Tench to...
by Leah Langby | Apr 16, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
Everyone who works in a public library serves teens, but some people are a little nervous about that. Others enjoy teens but struggle to find ways to serve them effectively. This round-up of resources will hopefully give you some ideas to help staff members that...
by Leah Langby | Apr 15, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
I got the most amazing email from Betty Anne at the Turtle Lake Public Library this week, I asked if I could just turn it into a guest blog post. So many great ideas! So inspiring! Thanks Betty Anne! I’ve heard the idea of the CSLP theme “Imagine Your...
by Leah Langby | Apr 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
There are lots of approaches to customer service, and many different ways to think about it. It is one of the things people request the most information about, and not surprisingly there are a lot of archived webinars about this topic! Here are just a few! (And...
by Leah Langby | Apr 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
I have heard from many library directors that one of the trickiest things in terms of staffing during this time of closure has been working with staff members who either don’t have great access to technology at home OR who are not confident about using...
by Leah Langby | Apr 10, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
Looking for ways to connect with others during this time of physical distancing? While it might seem ironic/counter-intuitive to discuss the library’s place in the center of community during this time when our physical library buildings are closed, now is a great time...
by Leah Langby | Apr 9, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
Well, this is usually the time when Summer Library and Summer Learning plans are in full swing. But it can be hard to figure out how to plan when you don’t know what to plan for! Here are a few things to consider: Whatever you do, keep it simple! This is the...
by Leah Langby | Apr 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
It might seem strange and difficult to try to think about planning and evaluation when we just don’t quite know what to plan for. But spending time figuring out what priorities you and your community have make it much easier to figure out how to move forward,...
by Leah Langby | Apr 8, 2020 | Keeping Up With Kids
Right now we are doing our very best to promote what services we can provide in any way we can. And we’ll have an interesting job conveying information about our shift back to services that require more contact, too! Here’s a round-up of some...