3/30/2025 - Sierra slowness addressed Saturday's problems with Sierra being slow and freezing seem to have been addressed. Please report ongoing problems with an IFLS help desk ticket
Advocacy updates Here’s a piece about IMLS funding cuts by WPR. The written article has more information than the radio piece. Small Wisconsin libraries might be hit hard as Trump targets federal funding – WPR Statewide advocacy campaign organizers are working...
Shake up at IMLS There’s a lot going on right now, and it can be a little overwhelming. I’ll start with what we know. The Executive Order states that IMLS must be reduced to its “statutory functions.” It also requires that “non-statutory components and functions...
Scholarships still available for WAPL The Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries Conference is coming up in Oshkosh April 30-May 2. IFLS is offering full and partial scholarships to public library workers in IFLS-land to attend! The scholarship covers...
This is a weekly digest of the best that’s come across our desks this week. If you have news about your library, upcoming events, or information you’d like to share, submit an email with “Digest” in the subject line to kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us. New and Updated Articles...
Congratulations on another annual report season successfully completed! Wisconsin Science Festival virtual kickoff party The 15th Annual Wisconsin Science Festival is coming up on October 16-26. Are you ready to start making plans for the fall? Just want to learn...
Data Dashboard pilot extended to June 30, 2025 All library staff are encouraged to utilize this free tool! The dashboard includes over 35 data points from the Annual Report, as well as some customized calculations. All public library service data (as reported to DPI)...