Find Your Voice!

Image from PixabayWhen you see the call to present at a state conference or an IFLS workshop, do you assume the people asking for presenters are talking to other people?  Believe it or not, those calls are meant for YOU!  There are lots of reasons to ignore...

FREE Webinar Series on Teen Services

Image from PixabayThe Young Adult Library Services Association is sponsoring a series of FREE webinars–you don’t have to be a member to participate, and you don’t have to pay.  This is pretty exciting!  The topics cover everything from teen...

Early Literacy Activity Calendars

Image from PixabayFor several years, the Youth Services Section of the Wisconsin Library Association has created a lovely Early Literacy Calendar, designed by YSS members to encourage families and caregivers to engage with their children in a variety of playful...

Coding Resource Is Super Cool!

If you haven’t had a chance to peek at the new super awesome toolkit that is part of the Wisconsin Libraries Coding Initiative, I highly recommend taking some time to do that.  Created by our inimitable statewide youth services consultant Tessa Michaelson...

Default to Kindness

I was talking with a youth services librarian I admire last week.  She said something that really struck me, and I asked her if I could share it in my blog.  She said yes, but demurred when I asked if I could give her credit, so you’ll just have to let...