Smart Phones and Social Media and Teens

Photo credit: PexelsThe Atlantic Monthly published an article this fall by Jean Twenge, author of the book iGen:  Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy–And Completely Unprepared for Adulthood (and...

Circle of Security

Circle of Security International LogoI learned about Circle of Security as an approach to parenting and parent education the other day at a meeting, and I just had the chance to poke around and see what it is all about.  There are some great short animated...

Empowering Parents

A parent and child play together in HawkinsMany of you have been trained in the Every Child Ready to Read curriculum, emphasizing helping parents and caregivers understand the importance of five early literacy practices (Playing, Talking, Singing, Reading, and...

Play Is the Way!

A child playing in BloomerEvery several months, I have a chance to get together with early childhood professionals from around western Wisconsin, and it is often some of the most fruitful time I spend.  Not because I get a lot of taks ticked off my list, but...